Developing the next generation of battery reverse logistics to improve transport safety
BatteReverse project is developing a more efficient and universal method for battery discharge and first diagnosis. The project improves the safety of Li-ion batteries transportation by developing safety packaging with a monitoring system that can reduce thermal runaway risk. The project also boosts more advanced and precise methods for automated dismantling and sorting of battery components based on safe and more efficient human-robot collaboration.
BatteReverse is developing a more precise and faster remaining useful life assessment of battery modules for second-life applications based on acoustic testing and machine learning algorithms.
Programme and call: Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the call HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-10 – Streamlined collection and reversed logistics, fully automated, safe and cost-efficient sorting, dismantling and second use before recycling (Batteries Partnership) (RIA)
Period: 2023-2026